Content of the cport directory: =============================== - threshold<1/2/3>.stat: Cutoff entries for the three CPORT thresholds. The first entry is used in case of successful prediction for each predictor, and the subsequent entries are for every possible combination of predictors in case some of them are missing. The format is ::. A rank cutoff means that the top predictions are used A value cutoff means that all values >= (<= for cons-PPISP) are used If a cutoff is None, that cutoff is not used. - thresholds.stat: all CPORT tresholds for the case where predictions from all predictors are available - mapping_PPISP.stat: A list of entries in format, used to convert PPISP values into bins. PPISP values themselves are computed as 100*cluster + rank-in-cluster, with 10000 for non-predicted residues and 100000 for buried residues. The bins were derived by partitioning the cons-PPISP predictions on the CPORT test set into N bins, where N is the average number of surface residues per protein. - mapping_SPPIDER.stat: A list of entries in format, used to convert SPPIDER values into bins. The bins were derived by partitioning the SPPIDER predictions on the CPORT test set into N bins, where N is the average number of surface residues per protein.